LIke it or not, despite the quarantine, you need to leave your homes to scrounge for food, medicine and other essentials. So here are 3 rules that you have to consider when going out.

Make your list.

Speed is of the essence. The more time you spend out of your safe zone, the greater the chance that you will be infected. So make a list of where you need to go, what you need to buy, and don’t run around window-shopping. The last thing you need is to realize that you forgot an essential item right as you open the door to your home.

Prepare your gear.

Common essentials nowadays include but are not limited to:

Definite Must Haves when going out

Make sure you have the following before you going out to get supplies.

  • Masks – These are especially important if you think you might have the disease (See a doctor).
  • Gloves and goggles – If you have them, why not? It helps to be prepared.
  • Alcohol – regularly disinfect your hands especially if you touch common surfaces.
  • Your own Eco-Bag – or bags depending upon the amount of items you have to purchase. Bringing your own eco-bag not only helps save the environment, but it also lessens the amount of foreign contaminants that you need to bring home with you. Most stores also tend to provide flimsy paper bags that tear before you even leave the store so coming prepared with your own is a definite must.

Physical distancing is the rule when going out.

We’ve reached the point where social distancing is no longer the active term, its physical distancing. Try to stay at least 2 arms lengths away from other people at all times. Also, only one person should leave your home. You have to work to lessen the probability that you bring the virus home and 2 people going out increases that probability.

But of course the best thing to do is to really stay home, ride this quarantine out and pray for the best. So limit these foraging events – make each one count. Here’s a list of things you can do while riding out the quarantine.