How to Replace an Light Switch. MC Home Depot’s Ask Angelo series is a compilation of basic DIY and other construction ideas that aims to help you, the viewer, become a Champion Builder, this week featuring how to replace a single-pole electric switch.

How to Replace an Light Switch – What you will need:

  • Philipps Screwdriver/Flat Screwdriver
  • Insulated gloves
  • New Electrical Switch set.

What you have to do:

  1. Turn off the circuit. Go to your circuit breaker/fuse box and turn off the power.
  2. Test if the circuit is off using a voltage meter or by turning the switch to be replaced on and off to see if it will still turn on the lights.
  3. Snap off the electrical Switch’s exterior cover.
  4. Unscrew the existing electrical Switch.
  5. Using the flat screw-driver, unlock the plastic locks keeping the wires in place, taking note of which wire was in the positive slot; which wire was in the negative slot. Mark these with tape so as not to be confused later.
  6. Insert the wires into their corresponding slots of the new light switch and make sure that they are locked in place. Try gently pulling them out a few times to make sure
  7. Screw in the new electrical switch.
  8. Return the exterior cover.
  9. Return the power, taking note to see if the switch sparks.
  10. Test the lights. Again check for sparks.

You can also watch this video:

We would like to thank the Panasonic and their SlimArt Series for the Electrical Sockets used in this video, Check them out on our Instagram page and don’t forget to like and follow us. The Panasonic SlimArt Series is available at MC Home Depot for:

The Panasonic SlimArt Plates
– Black PhP 75.25
– White PhP 47.75
The Panasonic SlimArt Switches
– Black PhP 110.50/switch
– White PhP 70.75/switch

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